Our Family of Companies

Kingsbridge Holdings, LLC, Kingsbridge Holdings provides the most comprehensive financial equipment acquisition and lifecycle management options available in the market.
Our intelligent, independent financing solutions, in any industry, help customers make the best decisions regarding equipment acquisition. The combination of market knowledge, flexible solutions, and superior customer service is the reason customers truly enjoy doing business with this great team.
Our team is here to help you succeed. We’re all about securing your technology financing and putting together a simple leasing process. Kingsbridge people are the best and most experienced in the industry.
You don’t want surprises when it comes to financial decisions. We take a consultative approach to leasing and equipment acquisition because every company situation is unique. You need predictability through the finance process not just during the term of the lease. Additionally, Kingsbridge can interrupt, upgrade, or change mid-term where most banks won’t.

Maximize value while supporting with responsive service. Helping customers acquire solutions to maximize value while always supporting with our responsive service. A long history in the business but don’t say 125 yrs combined has prepared us better to serve our customers with flexible leasing to maximize business growth.

Our unique Technology Portfolio gives our customers the richest choice of solutions that more effectively solve their business and technology challenges. Trilogy’s best-of-breed technology portfolio was developed with a broad selection across all of the industry sectors to provide maximum benefit to our customers.